Do The Reps

Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday's Inspiration - Do The Reps

Talented people do more reps than untalented people.
The reps make them talented.
The talent doesn't make them do reps.
~Alex Hormozi, Influencer and Entrepreneur

We have the perfect opportunity to apply this to pickleball. Drill and practice sessions allow us to "do the reps" and gain the benefits. Another item I saw today suggested that if you practiced your skill for 18 minutes a day, in one year you will have practiced for 100 hours and you would be better than 95% of all the other people. Sign me up.

I try to do the reps. I have a couple of regular drill partners and I have a set of wall drills that I regularly go through. I think my drill sets are probably the most boring in the world, but they stress the basic fundamentals of the game. Getting the basics right means I can make the routine shots every time. Mostly.

My drill sessions are simple dinking exercises, mid-court resets, baseline drives and drops, and finishing up with some "fast hands". With every shot, I am working on focus, mechanics, and execution.

My wall drills are even worse - 50 backhand drops at NVZ-distance, 50 forehand drops, and another 50 alternating. And again, I am working on focus, mechanics, and execution. If I do these wall drills five days a week, that's 39,000 hits in a year. Do you think my NVZ work might improve a bit?

Of course, as you progress you will find a ton of other things to work on in addition to the basics. And that is necessary, but don't ever miss the basics.

I'm inspired! See you at practice!

Michael Gauthier
Rally Academy
Pickleball Strokes
​NDY (Not Done Yet)

Michael Gauthier

Michael Gauthier

Owner, Pickleball Strokes

These pickleball tips and insights have all been previously published on Facebook, but not everyone gets to see all of those. So this is the official and complete home for all of my pickleball writings.  

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